After you have purchased and downloaded the software, use the instructions below to properly set up and install it.
- After purchasing you should receive a serial number by email from Tracee Friess of Wichita State University. If you do not receiva serial number, Email Tracee Friess to request one.
- Copy the serial number. You will need to paste it during installation of the software.
- Open the CMH17_STATS_Setup.exe file to install the software.
- When prompted, paste your assigned serial number.
- Install the program directly onto the C: drive by creating a new folder under C:. Do not put it under Program Files.
- After installation, double-click the program to run it. (You should have a shortcut on your desktop).
- If there is a security warning in yellow at the top of your spreadsheet, click on it and enable Macros.
- Run the program by clicking on the COMPUTE BASIS VALUES button on the CMH17 MAIN worksheet
- The program will generate a text file with the processor i.d. for your computer
- E-mail the above mentioned text file to
- A license file will be generated and e-mailed to you.
- Save the license file into the same directory that contains the program
- Open the CMH17 STATS DP 2011 v1.1xlsm program
- The destination directory is set to the same directory as the CMH17 STATS DP 2011 v1.1xlsm program. If you prefer a different directory, click on the SELECT DESTINATION DIRECTORY button and choose the desired directory. You may not key-in/type the path for the directory. You must have “write” privileges to the chosen directory.
- You may input the data in the INPUT DATA sheet and run the analysis now by clicking on the COMPUTE BASIS VALUES button on the CMH17 MAIN worksheet.
If you should encounter any problems during installation/execution of the program, please e-mail Dr. Raju with a description of the problem/error. The data for which the error was encountered would be helpful if e-mailed along with the problem description.
Please Note: CMH17 STATS is an Excel-based program and is compatible with Microsoft Windows v2007 and higher.
For purchasing and download questions, contact Tracee Friess by email or call (316) 978-5597.
For technical support after download, contact Raju Keshavanarayana by email or call (316) 978-5939.