
The following tutorials are typically offered at CMH-17 Coordination meetings. For more information, please contact

Statistics Tutorial
The Composite Materials Handbook provides world-class engineering information, including databases, standards and guidelines for structural applications of composite materials.  Its primary purpose is the standardization of engineering information for current and emerging composite materials.  The Handbook therefore constitutes an overview of the field of composites engineering and technology in an area which is advancing and changing rapidly.

In support of this objective, the handbook includes methodology for performing a number of engineering processes associated with the design, manufacture and continued operational safety of composite materials.  These processes use rigorous statistical data requirements to confirm acceptability.  These statistical procedures are sometimes intricate and confusing to individuals that are not familiar with them.

In order to provide clarity to these procedures, a six (6) hour tutorial session will be presented as part of the next CMH-17 meeting.

This tutorial is a comprehensive treatment of the CMH-17 methods for statistical analysis and their importance to proper development of design information.  Students will participate in an interactive session on the CMH-17 statistical methods, including practical example problems.

Students need to bring a laptop computer with EXCEL to participate in the interactive sessions as they will be focused on using the specialized software available: CMH17 STAT and HYTEQ.

Certification Tutorial

The Composite Materials Handbook provides world-class engineering information, including databases, standards and guidelines for structural applications of composite materials. Its primary purpose is the standardization of engineering information for current and emerging composite materials. The Handbook, therefore, constitutes an overview of the field of composites engineering and technology in an area which is advancing and changing rapidly.   

A six-hour tutorial session will be presented as part of the next CMH-17 meeting emphasizing Volume 3, Chapter 3. This chapter is being developed to provide general information on the regulatory and technical issues that need to be addressed when showing compliance with certification requirements relating to composite aircraft structure. To achieve aviation safety, certifying agencies require certification of design, production, maintenance and operation at different stages in the aircraft program development. Certifications of design and production are to ensure the initial airworthiness of the aircraft. The compliance with maintenance requirements is necessary to ensure the continued airworthiness of the aircraft. 

The tutorial provides an overview of the subjects of certification, regulations, design substantiation, and essentials of production and maintenance delivered by subject experts, with an emphasis on structural substantiation. The linkage among design, production, and maintenance functions in the context of unique material properties of composite materials has long been recognized as a critical part of safe and efficient certification. Developing an awareness of regulations and their role is another essential understanding for practitioners engaged in certifying aircraft.   

The tutorial begins with general certification topics related to product development, continued airworthiness, product modification, and the need for a qualified workforce working in a team environment. This discussion is followed by a summary of regulations associated with attaining production approval, structural design and maintenance and repair. Two other segments of the tutorial include production and maintenance, addressing important topics such as production substantiation and implementation, quality control, and defect disposition requirements. The importance of various aspects of maintenance in order to maintain the same performance requirements as the base aircraft structure is presented.        

The subject of design substantiation will comprise a major segment of the tutorial.  Design substantiation covers many discussion points, including, for example, survivability, the importance of achieving repeatable results, and lightening protection requirements.  A major focus area will be structural substantiation.