CMH-17 Spring Joint Coordination Meeting



Early Bird Registration Discount
$50 savings on Coordination Meeting

Early Bird Discount expires 4/13/25

Held In-Person at Wichita State University in Wichita, KS
Rhatigan Student Center
1845 Fairmount St #56,
Wichita, KS 6726

May 12, 2025 – May 16, 2025 
*Only Exec Meeting held on May 16th

Meetings Costs
Joint Coordination Meeting - $350
Certification Tutorial + Joint Coordination Meeting  – Complementary (requires meeting registration and limited to 20 seats) - $350
Bonding Process M&P Tutorial + Joint Coordination Meeting  - $600
CMC Overview Tutorial + Joint Coordination Meeting - $550
   *A minimum registration quantity is required for this tutorial to be held. Registration for this course will close on April 14th.  If minimum is not met the course will not be held. 
Statistics Tutorial + Joint Coordination Meeting - $600
Statistics Bundle – Tutorial + Software + Joint Coordination Meeting - $1050

Early Bird Registration
Register by April 13th to received a discount on Coordination Meeting Registration. Discount will be auto applied and reflected in cart.
          Early Bird Coordination Meeting Registration (through April 13) - $300
          Late Coordination Meeting Registration Cost (starting May 5) - $400

*Email CMH-17 if you are a FAA/NASA Employee or WG/TG Chair for additional discounted registration code or need to be invoiced for your registration.

Hotel Block
A conference rate has been reserved at the Hyatt Place Hotel at Wichita State. Please use the following link to book and receive the discounted rate. 
Hyatt Place at Wichita State
4703 E 19th St N
Wichita, KS 67208
Hyatt | Select Room


Event Parking
Parking details will be shared at a later date.

Please view the draft scheduled below. 

 CT Time Monday (May 12) Tuesday (May 13) Wednesday (May 14) Thursday (May 15) Friday (May 16)
7:30 Registration, Coffee Registration, Coffee Registration, Coffee Registration, Coffee Coffee
  Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 1 Room 2 Room 1 Room 2 Room 1 N/A
Cert Tutorial Stats Tutorial Bonding Tutorial CMC Tutorial Opening Coordination Forum: CMH-17 Working Together Panel Session: Bonding Exec Tour *
(length TBD)
Cert Tutorial Stats Tutorial Bonding Tutorial CMC Tutorial Opening Coordination Mini Tutorial WG/TG Meeting WG/TG Meeting WG/TG Meeting Exec 
  Break Break Break Break Adjourn
Cert Tutorial Stats Tutorial Bonding Tutorial CMC Tutorial Opening Coordination WG/TG Meeting WG/TG Meeting WG/TG Meeting WG/TG Meeting Leader Meeting
Cert Tutorial Stats Tutorial Bonding Tutorial CMC Tutorial WG/TG Meeting WG/TG Meeting FAA Sponsored Research Review: Damage Tolerance FAA Sponsored Research Review: Crashworthiness FAA Sponsored Research Review: Bonding Leader Meeting
  Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch    
Cert Tutorial Stats Tutorial Bonding Tutorial CMC Tutorial WG/TG Meeting WG/TG Meeting WG/TG Meeting WG/TG Meeting WG/TG Meeting WG/TG Meeting WG/TG Meeting    
  Break Break Break Break    
New Member Orientation WG / TG Chair Instruction     WG/TG Meeting WG/TG Meeting WG/TG Meeting Mini Tutorial WG/TG Meeting Closing Coordination    
PM         Networking Social*            

Schedule is subject to change. Final agenda will be updated on the website and provided in the Blue Book
All WG/TG meetings are open to all CMH-17 meeting attendees unless otherwise noted. 

Registration Questions? – Email Austin at