Shannon Jones

Shannon has contributed very broadly to CMH-17, including his active participation in the Statistics WG and Data Review and his work with Susan Daggett to develop specifications and test methods for core materials for the Sandwich WG. A lot of his work goes unacknowledged because he doesn’t seek recognition; he just tries to get things done.
In particular, the work that Dan and I feel he should be recognized for is his role as Co-chair of SAE P-17 and Chair of the P-17 Qualified Product Group. Due in large part to Shannon’s tireless and focused efforts, CHM-17 has worked in partnership with SAE to create an effective mechanism to prepare, approve and maintain standard materials specifications. Under his leadership, PRI QPG-17 has established a process for industry consensus change management of the materials specs for materials whose properties can be found in Volume 2 of the handbook. As a result of his efforts, use of CMH-17 data to design, build and qualify composite aircraft structures has gone from a concept to a practical reality.
What Shannon is doing after his day job is running a specifications department for a volunteer organization with conspicuously few volunteers, picking up the slack himself. He is also heading the Materials and Process department for this volunteer organization to complete qualification of the composite materials with handbook published data, using his contacts in the industry to accomplish the necessary vendor surveys. Once qualification is complete, then begins the inevitable changes that must be managed to ensure that the materials continue to perform as indicated by the handbook data. Shannon has been and continues to be a crucial part of the organization that makes handbook published data usable.