January 2008
John Adelmann
Distinguished Service Award
January, 2008, Cocoa Beach
For contributions as Statistics WG chair and development of the STAT17 software.
Curt Davies
Distinguished Service Award
January, 2008, Cocoa Beach
For contributions as Data Review WG Co-chair and overall leadership and coordination role in the transition from MIL-HDBK-17 to CMH-17.
Curt Davies received the Distinguished Service Award in recognition for his work starting in the late 1990s before he came to the FAA. At this time, he worked as a consultant with Steve Ward on a NASA contract (via Jim Starnes) to interface with the industry to evaluate the interest in composite shared databases and to better define usable characteristics. The Mil-17 efforts in this area, which started nearly 10 years earlier, were slow to make progress on databases used by the industry.
Curt Davies and Steve Ward became the first Co-chairmen for the Data Utilization Working Group to work on issues that would speed the implementation of shared databases in Mil-17. These efforts became closely coupled with the NASA AGATE and NCAMP Programs, which included additional NASA, DOD and FAA support. The Data Utilization Working Group overcame a number of hurdles under the direction of Curt before its work was complete. The CMH-17 organization is currently very close to realizing usable shared databases with the necessary processing pedigree information and material quality controls. The ongoing, coordinated efforts of the Data Review, Statistics and SAE P-17 Working Groups have all benefited from Curt's leadership.
Curt Davies was also essential in keeping the CMH-17 Organization active and moving forward when the U.S. Army decided not to renew the Secretariat's contract several years ago. Curt worked many long hours to overcome bureaucratic hurdles in establishing a method to continue using the available FAA funding for CMH-17. This allowed the Secretariat to continue work and keep the organization active without missing a meeting.