August 2008

John Tomblin
Distinguished Service Award
August, 2008, Ottawa
It is my pleasure to present the CMH-17 Distinguished Service Award to Dr. John Tomblin. John has been co-chairing the Data Review Working Group for at least five years, during which time he has used his organizational / managerial skills to make the working group function more efficiently. He instituted the working group operational procedures and electronic approvals to get the working group busy between meetings. But the main point of this award is to acknowledge that after five years of frustration the DRWG has approved the AGATE lamina data, which will appear in Rev G of the handbook, although we are still struggling with the laminate data. His managerial skill was further demonstrated when he coerced me to be his co-chair to do all the work. Furthermore, CMH-17 is also indebted to John for his willingness to support CMH-17 with NIAR personnel and help the FAA with contracting difficulties. Personnel under his control, such as Yeow, Beth, Allison, Waruna, Raju, Melanie and others, are active members and contributors to CMH-17. This award is also looking to the future. We hope that he will stay around until we get all the NCAMP data into the handbook. Finally, I wanted to say something funny about John, but I couldn’t think of anything as John is such a serious guy. Congratulations John.