March 2009

Paolo Feraboli
Appreciation Award
March, 2009, Salt Lake City
Paolo has made significant contributions to CMH17 as the leader in organizing the Crashworthiness Working Group (which includes notable experts recognized for their work internationally). He has led the creation an initial draft chapter and organized credible initiaitives for standards and guidance in the area of composite crashworthiness. His tireless efforts brought new energy into the handbook in an area of topical relevance. Paolo has also demonstrated an ability to attract quality talent to the organization and organize quality forum sessions to establish the necessary background for CMH-17 to move forward in this area.

Michelle Thomsen
Appreciation Award
March, 2009, Salt Lake City
Michelle was awarded the CMH-17 Appreciation Award for her tireless efforts in ensuring all of our meetings run smoothly. Her meeting planning efforts start with selecting a meeting location that fits our needs. She makes sure all the details are taken care of beforehand and is on site during the meeting to take care of all the issues that arise. Since Michelle has joined the CMH-17 team, her tireless efforts have resulted in extremely well run meetings. Her efforts have made a significant contribution to the organization.

Mark Freisthler
Appreciation Award
March, 2009, Salt Lake City
Mark was awarded the CMH-17 Appreciation Award for his efforts in Volume 1 and Volume 2 of the handbook. He has shown leadership supporting goals for these two volumes. His efforts have made a significant impact on the organization as the volumes become self-sustaining in the near future.