
February 2003

Steve Gonczy
Appreciation Award
February, 2003, Monterey, CA

This award of appreciation is presented to Steve Gonczy for his tireless championing of the cause of CMH-HDBK-17, and Volume 5 in particular, at numerous conferences, netting us a sizable group of eager new volunteers to fill our ranks. We also appreciate his energetic leadership within his own Materials & Processes working group, with the result that it is the most complete chapter of Volume 5. And, last but not least, we are thankful for his unceasing drive toward the production of a worthwhile product, and for goading the rest of us into action.

Robert Miller
Appreciation Award
February, 2003, Monterey, CA

This award of appreciation is to be presented to Robert J. Miller for his stellar leadership of the Structural Design and Analysis working group. Before he joined the group, Chapter 6 was totally disorganized, and the little bit that had been written did not fit in with the rest of Volume 5. The working group was on the verge of extinction. Now, thanks to Mr. Miller's contributions, the chapter has a working outline and is now 50% complete. We also have 4 new members, and a clear plan of attack for completing the rest of the chapter.

Tamar Gottesman
Appreciation Award
February, 2003, Monterey, CA

Tamar is an active member of the Supportability Working Group. She is receiving this Appreciation Award for her writing and editing efforts to complete Chapter 8 of Volume 3 of the Polymeric Composite Handbook. Specifically, she wrote sections 8.3.2 on 'Damage Assessment for Composite Repairs', and sections and on 'Repair Analysis of Bolted Joints', and 'Repair Analysis of Bonded Joints', respectively. She was always willing to read and comment on other sections that comprised Chapter 8 and make this chapter technically correct and more useful to the practitioner.

Steve Ward
Appreciation Award
February, 2003, Monterey, CA

Steve Ward has been a very active contributor to the Handbook. While he has impacted several aspects of the Handbook; this award happens to be for his efforts on the Statistics WG. Steve has been a mainstay and consistent contributor to the statistical aspects of the Handbook, and has authored several sections.

For the last few years, there has been a goal of exchanging drafts and ideas through the bulletin boards so that we can be thinking and do work between meetings. My impression has been that the majority of these exchanges have been initiated by Steve. Steve's energy and enthusiasm are particularly noteworthy.

John Tomblin
Appreciation Award
February, 2003, Monterey, CA

Anyone that has been around CMH-17 for the last few years cannot fail to notice the impact that John Tomblin has had on the Handbook. John lead the Materials Task of the AGATE program. AGATE is a consortium of General Aviation manufacturers initiated by NASA. The AGATE members had a familiar goal; they wanted to be able to share data. To accomplish this goal, John and the consortium drew on CMH-17 to create a structure for shared data. Having met the consortium's goals, John could have stopped there. Instead, he brought the experience and process modifications back to MIL-17. He did this not as a 'take it or leave it' proposition, but with the personal energy and commitment to integrate the methodology with CMH-17. This real-world exercise has served to make CMH-17 stronger. John continues to work for the handbook. Among other activities, John is currently the co-chair of Data Review and an active contributor to the Statistics Working Group.

Margaret Roylance
Appreciation Award
February, 2003, Monterey, CA

The Awards Committee envisioned that nominations for the Appreciation Award would come from working group chairs to recognize the efforts of the members. In this case, we had a nomination from a member, to recognize the work of the chairman. In particular, members of her group wished to recognize the following.
  • Sustained involvement after employment change
  • M&P chair during major evolution of composites M&P technologies
  • Established standard template for M&P sections providing clear direction to WG
  • Maintained continuity and productivity of WG through extended co-chair absence

Tom Walker
Appreciation Award
February, 2003, Monterey, CA

Tom Walker, along with Crystal Newton, were recognized for leading and organizing the Rev. F additions to the Building Block and Damage Tolerance chapters.

Crystal Newton
Appreciation Award
February, 2003, Monterey, CA

Crystal Newton, along with Tom Walker, were recognized for leading and organizing the Rev. F additions to the Building Block and Damage Tolerance chapters.